I solemnly pledge myself, in the Spirit of St. Nicholas, to maintain and advance my vocation as a conveyor of the true meaning of Christmas to all that I may meet in my journeys and travels.
I will devote myself in bringing a loving loyalty to the Santa Claus Legend and will do all in my power to encourage the sentiment that it is truly better to give than to receive.
I will use my knowledge and love for Christmas to be a part of the magic of the Season and to be partners with Santa Claus in bringing a Loving, Joyful, and Happy Holiday to all.
I will seek to see the enchanting wonder of each new day and seek to see that wonder in each child’s eyes that I visit.
I know that being Mrs. Santa Claus is a gift that I can give to children of all age and by undertaking this role I promise to create special memories, to the best of my abilities, for all that I shall encounter.
Phillip L. Wenz
Mrs. Claus Pledge published with permission of author